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The SARS-CoV-2 modified the way we interact at all levels, from the family to the institutional. Humanity has been affected in previous times by pandemics and viruses, however, none in the recent past had had such a significant and widespread impact on the entire world. This is how this situation has led to changes in personal, professional, and institutional expectations and goals. In consideration of the above, it can then be affirmed that those who participate in the National System of Science and Technology and Innovation are not alien to this situation and are aware that the indicators that measure their level of performance are going to be modified during this 2020 and by course in the next few years.

Machuca-Martinez F. Perspectives from different disciplines for research, education and innovation in times of crisis. inycomp [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];23(1):e10543. Available from:
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