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The accurate simulation of wind flow in the atmospheric boundary layer in a wind tunnel is crucial for various engineering applications, spanning fields such as civil and environmental engineering. With the aim of investigating and characterizing the behavior and impact of wind on scaled models of civil structures in the Wind Tunnel of the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Valle, the main objective is to determine the appropriate distribution of turbulence-generating devices to replicate specific velocity profiles required for rural, suburban, and urban exposure types that describe the atmospheric boundary layer. This study is based on reproducing three velocity profiles, representative of urban, suburban, and rural exposures, at a 1:200 scale. To achieve this, full-scale Irwin vortex generators, a castellated barrier, and Counihan and Gartshore roughness elements were implemented. Velocity measurements in the wind tunnel test section were conducted using a hot-wire anemometry system and Pitot tubes. Experimental results obtained by simulating velocity profiles demonstrated an acceptable correspondence with theoretical profiles established in the NSR-10 design code. This study contributes to the advancement in understanding and replicating velocity profiles in the context of simulating the atmospheric boundary layer in wind tunnels in Colombia, supporting key applications in the field of engineering.

Martha Elena Delgado Osorio, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Albert Ortiz, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Jhon Jairo Barona, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Johannio Marulanda Casas, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Peter Thomson, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

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Received 2023-10-31
Accepted 2024-04-26
Published 2024-05-28