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Air pollution is one of the most significant environmental problems of public health in Colombia. The study aimed to carry out an analysis of the relationship between air quality and the incidence of respiratory diseases in communes 4, 6, 7 & 8 of the municipality of Cúcuta. Thanks to the application of a quantitative and descriptive methodology with a correlational approach, a Citizen Perception Survey was designed. Also, concentrations of the particulate material (PM10) of El Salado and Atalaya areas were analyzed together with analysis of the burden of disease according to the records provided by (IMSALUD) & (IDS). The results show a dependent association between the study variables. Additionally, it shows a significant trend for acute Rhinopharyngitis in vulnerable patients (children and older adults) and a favorable air quality status for the months evaluated (May – July / 2018).

Luisa Fernanda Ramirez Rios, Francisco de Paula Santander University

Environmental Engineer, National University of Colombia Master in Environmental Engineering, National University of Colombia Occasional Full Time Professor Francisco de Paula Santnader University

Luis Fernando Plaza Galvez, Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca

Electrical Engineer, Technological University of Pereira Specialization in Finance, Universidad del Valle Master in Mathematics Teaching, Technological University of Pereira Full Time Professor Central Unit of Valle del Cauca

Carlos Humberto Oviedo Sanabria, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Environmental Engineer, Francisco de Paula Santander University Geographical Information Systems Specialization, University of Salzburg Professor Professor hour Francisco de Paula Santander University

María Viviana Niño Ovalles, Francisco de Paula Santander University

Environmental Engineer, Francisco de Paula Santander University

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Received 2020-05-13
Accepted 2020-11-10
Published 2021-05-18