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Every day it is even more important the use of computers for the analysis of electrical engineering problems; it is also important to encourage the application of general use computer tools (mathematical development platforms) in the implementation of engineering solutions. In this paper, a toolbox developed in a free distribution mathematical platform, called Scilab, is presented, which is useful for power system analysis. At the same time, a general description of Scilab and the implemented algorithms in the toolbox is provided. The implemented toolbox allows to carry out power systems analysis in steady-state including power flow, short-circuit, stability and economic dispatch.

Alexander Céspedes F

Grupo de Investigación en Alta Tension GRALTA - Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

Carlos A. Lozano

Grupo de Investigación en Alta Tension GRALTA - Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Céspedes F A, Lozano CA. Análisis de sistemas de potencia usando Scilab. inycomp [Internet]. 2005 Jun. 7 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];7(2):64-70. Available from: