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The effect of flow variation on the theoretical calculation of pressure drop in pipes with fittings in the unit FF-DF-270/EL of the Universidad de Cartagena was studied, determining the coefficient of minor losses (Kf) caused by 45° and 90° elbows, and three types of valves, using water as the process fluid. The flow rate (Q) was varied, using a valve, between 24, 20, 16, 12 L/min. Darcy's and Bernoulli's theorem methods were used to evaluate friction losses. Were found minimum error percentages of 0.04% and maximum 8.16%; loss coefficients adjusted by minimum squares were obtained with R2 of 0.999, comparing these Kf with the values reported in the plant manual and different authors. It was shown experimentally that the loss coefficient depends on each fitting, allowing the calculation of the theoretical pressure drop and comparing it with the experimental pressure drop, demonstrating that as the flow increases, an increase in pressure drop is generated. With the methodology applied in this research, the aim is to optimize pressure drop tests with fittings, and identify the characteristics of the pipe to obtain an optimum lower loss coefficient value.

Angel Gonzalez-Delgado, Universidad de Cartagena. Bolívar, Colombia 

Angel Villabona-Ortíz, Universidad de Cartagena. Bolívar, Colombia

Candelaria Tejada-Tovar, Universidad de Cartagena. Bolívar, Colombia

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Received 2021-10-19
Accepted 2023-02-08
Published 2023-05-05