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Information retrieval (IR) deals with representation, organization, and storage of information. IR should provide the user with an easy access to the information in which he or she is interested. However, characterization of the user information needs is a complex problem. Usually, a full description of the user information needs cannot be made directly and a set of keywords should rather be used. Thus, given a set of keywords, an IR system retrieves information, which may be relevant to the user. However, traditional IR systems overload recovery information. Personalization systems, in particular, the recommender ones, have been proposed in order to mitigate the impact of an enormous amount of retrieved information on the user. This paper describes the architecture of PREDICA, an experimental platform for combining advanced query and recommender systems, adaptive interface, data warehouse and knowledge discovery on database in a digital library. PREDICA uses a pre-processing strategy for improving the search of information and personalization strategies for documents’ recommendation. Among other open source digital library research projects, like D-Space, Eprints, and Greenstone, PREDICA has an integrated recommender system to provide helpful information to the users.

Beatriz E. Florián

escuela de ingenieria de sistemasy computacion, universidad del valle cali,colombia

María Eugenia Valencia

escuela de ingenieria de sistemasy computacion, universidad del valle cali,colombia

Paola J. Rodríguez

escuela de ingenieria de sistemasy computacion, universidad del valle cali,colombia

Martha Millán

escuela de ingenieria de sistemasy computacion, universidad del valle cali,colombia

Carlos M. Gaona

escuela de ingenieria de sistemasy computacion, universidad del valle cali,colombia

Javier E. Carrillo

escuela de ingenieria de sistemasy computacion, universidad del valle cali,colombia

Mauricio Ciprián

escuela de ingenieria de sistemasy computacion, universidad del valle cali,colombia
Florián BE, Valencia ME, Rodríguez PJ, Millán M, Gaona CM, Carrillo JE, Ciprián M. Design of an experimental platform for the search and retrieval of documents in digital library. inycomp [Internet]. 2007 Jun. 8 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];9(2):105-17. Available from: