Submissions. The submission of manuscripts to the journal should be made through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. Interested authors should request the creation of a user account at, sending basic data: names, last names, affiliation,  E-mail and ORCID and the complementary documents to the submission (Letter of Commitment, Declaration of Conflict of Interest, Copyright Agreement).

Manuscript submissions to the journal's e-mail address are not accepted and will not be processed by this way. The author can communicate to the journal's e-mail, in case of any problem in the uploading of files to the platform, so that the Editorial Office can solve the incident.

Originality. The journal publishes original papers that have not been previously published in other journals or publishers, and whose publication rights have not been compromised. Authors should avoid submitting articles that have been published by other formal means.

If the manuscript is a work derived from a graduate work, thesis or working paper that is hosted in an open access repository, the author must also inform this, so that this is taken into account in the process of evaluation and transformation of the manuscript, after being submitted to peers.

Likewise, the unauthorized use of material from other sources such as previously published texts, images or graphics is not allowed. Authors are urged to be careful not to infringe copyrights and to refrain from using protected works without permission, with special attention to images, figures or tables, since such works do not fall under the right of citation (it is not enough to cite the source to avoid infringement of copyright).

Similarity check. Once the manuscripts meet the documentary requirements to enter the review process, they will undergo an evaluation with an anti-plagiarism software. This tool will help to identify similarities or possible misuse of other sources. If problems are detected, authors should make clarifications or corrections; otherwise, the manuscript may be rejected for originality or misuse of other copyrighted works.


Simultaneous submissions and ethics. Authors must declare in the letter of commitment that the manuscript has not been simultaneously submitted to another journal or publisher for publication. Authors must wait for the journal's decision before submitting the manuscript to another publication, in case it is rejected.

In addition, authors must certify that the manuscript has been prepared according to ethical criteria, respecting copyright and applying principles of scientific integrity. Any misconduct in this regard will be a reason for rejection by the journal or could lead to a retraction.

Digital identity (authors and institutions). ORCID registration is a mandatory requirement for all authors. Ingeniería y Competitividad will not process manuscripts from authors who are not registered in ORCID. Registration can be done through the following link:  

In the ORCID profile, the Publisher requires three fields to be completed and publicly available: Employment, Education and qualifications and Works.

In addition, authors must provide the ROR (Research Organization Registry) of the institutions with which they are affiliated or of which they are employed or which are involved in funding the research from which their manuscript originates. The ROR can be found here:



In compliance with the ICMJE recommendations, the journal adopts its definition of authorship, urging the avoidance of inappropriate practices such as “gift authorship” or unjustified inclusion/exclusion of authors. The four requirements that define authorship, it is reiterated, are the following:

  1. Making significant contributions in the conception, design, acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data.
  2. Participate in the drafting or critical revision of the work with relevant intellectual content.
  3. Approve the final version of the manuscript for publication.
  4. Be responsible for all aspects of the work and be available to answer questions about its completeness and accuracy.

Authors must meet these criteria before submitting a manuscript to avoid inappropriate inclusion or omission of authors.

Corresponding author

In manuscripts with multiple authors, a corresponding author should be designated, who will be responsible for interacting with the journal at all stages of the editorial process. This author should provide a unique name, ORCID, institutional affiliation, e-mail and institutional physical address.

Institutional affiliation

All authors of a manuscript must declare their institutional affiliation, which may include the specific academic area (e.g. department, faculty, school), the name of the main institution (such as university or research centre), the city, the country and, preferably, an institutional e-mail address.

If authors wish to include more than one institutional affiliation, they may do so. Each affiliation should be numbered in superscript, and if several authors share the same affiliation, the corresponding number should be linked to each author. For example:

John Smith¹, ², Sandra Perez², Laura Jones³, Michael Rodriguez¹, ³

¹ First affiliation, city and country.

² Second affiliation, city and country.

3Third affiliation, city and country.

However, it is recommended, as far as possible, to select only one main affiliation, especially the one that is directly related to the manuscript, such as the funding institution of the research project from which it originates.

In case an author wishes to change his/her affiliation after submission of the manuscript, a letter explaining the reasons for the change should be submitted. This letter must be endorsed by a legal representative or an authority from the previous institution, confirming that no proprietary rights have been compromised through any specific project or funding.

Each request for a change of affiliation will be reviewed individually by the journal, which will make the final decision. Failure to adequately justify the change may prevent publication of the manuscript.


Open Access

The journal subscribes to the open access movement and the principles of the Budapest Declaration of 2002, with its subsequent updates (BOAI10, BOAI15, BOAI20:, which aims to make refereed scientific knowledge accessible, at no cost to users and readers, through the internet, and to benefit the development of science, knowledge and the solution of problems facing humanity, in its different societies and cultures. 

Below, we list some issues related to funding, copyright, access and preservation of the content published by the journal, in line with open access and open science:

Charges for authors and access

Ingeniería y Competitividad does not impose any charges on authors at any stage of the publication process. Publishing in the journal is completely free of charge and no APCs (Article Processing Charges) are applied.

Furthermore, the journal has no embargo periods; all approved articles are immediately available in open access, following the ‘diamond’ model, with funding coming from the Universidad del Valle, which is a public institution.

Copyright and Creative Commons licenses

Authors grant the journal and Universidad del Valle the economic rights over accepted manuscripts, but may make any reuse they deem appropriate for professional, educational, academic or scientific reasons, in accordance with the terms of the license granted by the journal to all its articles.

Articles will be published under the Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC licence (attribution, non-commercial, no derivative works).


Ingeniería y Competitividad allows authors to self-archive manuscripts at the pre-print stage (before peer review), as well as the final version published by the journal.

However, it is requested that wherever the published article is deposited or self-archived, the full reference is included, together with its respective DOI (Digital Object Identifier), so that readers can access the article directly on the journal's official website if they wish to do so.


Digital preservation

The journal and Univalle University Press guarantee the long-term preservation of all published content, ensuring that issues and volumes can be retrieved and accessed, even if the editorial project is ever stopped. This is done in accordance with information security policies and the maintenance of electronic platforms.

The catalogue of works and the University Press' collection of scientific journals are part of the university's intellectual heritage, contributing to the validation, dissemination and preservation of knowledge in various disciplines.

The issues and volumes of the journal are included in the international digital preservation project of Clockss. For more information:


Requirements to formalise the submission

Below, you can download the forms suggested by the journal to formalise the submission of any manuscript. Please read it, complete it in its entirety and upload it to the platform as an attachment to the original manuscript; please remember that in cases where a signature is required, the document must be read and signed by all authors:

1. Letter of commitment

2. Conflict of interest form

3. Copyright form

If your research poses any risk to humans or non-human living beings, if it was approved by the ethics committee of your institution or if informed consents were processed, please indicate this in the Letter of Commitment and send all these supports as attachments, also through the platform.