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This paper describes the dynamic behavior in a flotation column from the development of a mathematical model of distributed parameters for the collection and the froth zone. For the solution of the mathematical model, the numerical method used was the finite element method. The proposed model includes sub-processes such as particle-bubble collection and detachment and bubble coalescence in the froth zone, among others. For the simulation, each zone of the flotation column is subdivided into volume elements, assuming each volume element is a perfectly mixed tank. The results show that the model adequately describes both the behavior of the collection zone and the froth zone, which are related to each other. During the validation of the mathematical model, satisfactory results were obtained when comparing the experimental data with those obtained through the simulation with low percentages of error (average error less than 5%).

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Received 2023-08-04
Accepted 2023-08-17
Published 2023-09-08