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A system is a set of heterogeneous elements that work in direct relation with each other for a specific purpose;
through its automation, it is possible to carry out productive processes with machines, without the
direct participation of a human operator. The Automated Integrated Logistics System (SALI by it’s acronym
in Spanish) is a didactic environment that allows to emulate the activities and operation of a Logistic Distribution
Center (DC), developed at the New Granada Military University as a teaching and learning tool
for engineering. The current system programming in the software system allows a serial processing of a
purchase order, from the moment in which the customer, passing through all the stations, until it is sent to a
delivered point, requires the product. The present investigation presents a modeling of the system through
Colored Petri Nets (CPN) it’s made, with the purpose of achieve a better understanding of the dynamics of
the system, the relationships between the stations, the flow of materials during the process and the cycles of
these over the stations; as well as identifying the restrictive stations within the process that are susceptible
to an improvement to be raised in a future work

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