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This paper presents a review on catalytic systems, reported between 1990 and 2007, for the synthesis of carveol, carvone, verbenol, and verbenone. These products are used in the pharmaceutical and food industries as raw materials for the production of fragrances and flavors. The increasing demand for these products and the worldwide trends to implement environmentally-friendly processes makes it necessary to maintain efforts in the search for catalytic synthesis systems that turn out to be economically and technically feasible. Emphasis is made on the allylic oxidation of limonene and a-pinene. Moreover, we present the most recent advances of our research group in the study of catalytic reactions based on phtalocyanines.

Rolando de J. Barrera

grupo de catalisis ambiental  departamento de ingenieria quimica y facultad de ingenieria,universidad de antiquia aparto aereo 1226,medellin ,colombia

Edwin A. Alarcón

grupo de catalisis ambiental  departamento de ingenieria quimica y facultad de ingenieria,universidad de antiquia aparto aereo 1226,medellin ,colombia

Lina M. González

grupo de catalisis ambiental  departamento de ingenieria quimica y facultad de ingenieria,universidad de antiquia aparto aereo 1226,medellin ,colombia

Aída L. Villa

grupo de catalisis ambiental  departamento de ingenieria quimica y facultad de ingenieria,universidad de antiquia aparto aereo 1226,medellin ,colombia

Consuelo Montes de Correa

grupo de catalisis ambiental  departamento de ingenieria quimica y facultad de ingenieria,universidad de antiquia aparto aereo 1226,medellin ,colombia
Barrera R de J, Alarcón EA, González LM, Villa AL, Montes de Correa C. synthesis of carveol ,carvone,verbenol,and verbenone. inycomp [Internet]. 2008 Jan. 9 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];10(1):43-6. Available from: