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The current system of economic globalization requires for the Latin-american countries to narrow the university-enterprise tie through a competitive view expressed in: research and development; technological innovation, spreanding and transference; financial investment and human resourcees of hight quality. Thas is why, this document makes emphasis upon the cooperation mechanisms or structures of technological trasference from university to enterprise, showing patterns implemented in countries such as Italy, Netherlands, France, England and Germany. Specially, it presents the technological parks and incubators of enterprises like projects that, in addition to match the academic offer with the demand of the enterpreuner sector, promote the development of the involved region. Finally, it outlines the juridical aspects established in the current ties betwen university and enterprise.

Carlos Martínez Pávez

Ingeniero Civil Químico de la Universida de Concepción, Chile. Ph.D en Ingeniería Química y Procesos de la University of Strathclyde, Gran Bretaña. Decano de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Mayor, Chile. Director del Programa de Gestión Tecnológica del centro interuniversitario de Desarrollo - CINDA Coordinador de Proyectos de la Red ALFA de la Unión Europea y la Agencia Españñola de Cooperación Internacional - AECI
Martínez Pávez C. Mecanismos de Cooperación Universidad - Empresa: Estructuras de Transferencia y Difusión Tecnológica. inycomp [Internet]. 1998 May 6 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];1(2):63-72. Available from: