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1. The current widespread need to compete through market differentiation, brought about by globalization and trade liberalization, has placed technological innovation and its effective management at the core of successful enterprise strategies.

2. Furthermore, there is an increasing number of signals which indicated that the sustainability and growth of the global economic system, including free trade, is threatened by growing inequalities, explosive population growth and world power unbalance.

3. The preservation of the quality of life in rich countries, dependent on the consumption of the largest share of world resources and enemy makes these countries hostage to the continuous growth of the global economic system and trade liberalization.

4. The only sustainable solution to the above is the masslle and accelerated economic growth of third world countries on the basis of environmentally-sound new products and services, which satisfy worldwide aspirations of comsumption.

5. This solution calls for a new industrial revolution based on radically new technologies, which social, represents an opportunity for developing countries to espouse leap-frogging industrial development and re-balance world wealth distribution and world power. This leap-frogging cannot be solely achieved by technology transfer, foreign investment of joint ventures.

6. In order to seize this opportunity and achieve leap-frogging development, developing countries' enterprises have to be capable of effectively managing the strategic technological innovations requiered to generate the new technologies, productos and services that characterize the new industrial revolution.

7. Some people might interpret current signals differently and settle for a future scenario in which the evolution of current patterns prevall. Either way, the capability to effectively manage technological innovations is called to play centre stage.

8. Specialzed U.N. agencies are called, therefore, to help developing countries accelerate this process with adequate new tools and services.

Martha Cecilia Gómez de García

Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Industrial de Santander, Msc. RPI N.Y., Profesora de la Unidad de Gestión Tecnológica del Departamento de Producción e Investigación de Operaciones de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad del Valle

Fernando Machado

Director de Servicios Tecnológicos Invstment and Technology Promotion Division, Unido - Viena, Junio de 1997
Gómez de García MC, Machado F. Gestión Tecnológica para Acompasar un Desarrollo Industrial Acelerado : El Reto del Nuevo Milenio para los Países en Vía de Desarrollo (Primera Parte). inycomp [Internet]. 2000 Jan. 6 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];2(1):49-63. Available from: