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Between retaining structures, widely used in road infrastructure, there is a wide range of possibilities: conventional gravity structures (gabions, screens, etc.), reinforced, embedded, anchors, mechanically stabilized soil, among others. Among them, there is also the giant geotextile bags, which work by gravity using fill material from the site and demonstrating good performance against fluvial and maritime erosion, and road protection or containment. This article presents the versatility of giant geotextile bags in road infrastructure, embankment or slope stabilization; and river and coastal erosion control. As a case study, the Bengala (kilometer 21 of the Garzón - Neiva road) and Crespo Tunnel (Cartagena - Colombia) are presented. The methodology used to evaluate the evolution of the improvement with the intervention of giant geotextile bags is done through the report of design, execution, follow-up and control of the geometry of the intervened site. The areas intervened with giant geotextile bags show an effective behavior in soil stability, erosion control and geometric recovery. At a qualitative level, the process of restoration and stabilization of the affected coast and slope is evident, thanks to the intervention with giant geotextile bags. At a quantitative level, the long-term stability and geometric recovery of the intervened areas can be appreciated.

Jaime R. Obando-Ante, Universidad del Cauca, Departamento de Geotecnia, Popayán, Colombia.

University of Cauca

Geotechnics Department

Joshua Schamalbach-Triana, Soil Protection S.A.S, Cartagena, Colombia.

Soil Protection SAS

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Received 2023-09-27
Accepted 2024-02-13
Published 2024-02-26