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Reverse engineering is applied in multiple contexts. Each context is defined by a group of stakeholders, a set of resources and situations within a specific scope. There are diverse approaches for reverse engineering, however, all they assume that it is done in the context of software production. The aim of this work is to define an approach to recover the design of software products in different contexts. A comparative analysis of reverse engineering approaches was made using the pattern matching technique. To validate obtained results, a case study was carried out in two distinct contexts, the first in an education context to support a teaching-learning process and the second in a software production context to retrieve a software product design. A framework was defined, which includes a descriptive conceptual system and a set of instrumental elements of operational type, which serves to guide the software product design recovery process, based on the context in which this activity is carried out. It is concluded that the defined framework offers a new approach to software design recovery, because it involves the context where the process takes place and hides its complexity from non-expert stakeholders in reverse engineering.

Martin E Monroy , Universidad de Cartagena, Programa de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Cartagena, Colombia

Martin Pinzger, Alpen-Adria-Universität, Software Engineering Research Group, Klagenfurt, Austria,

Alpen-Adria-Universität, Software Engineering Research Group, Klagenfurt, Austria

José L. Arciniegas, Universidad del Cauca, Departamento de Telemática, Popayán, Colombia.

Monroy ME, Pinzger M, Arciniegas JL. Applied reverse engineering in context. inycomp [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 26 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];26(1):e-22112840. Available from:

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Received 2023-03-02
Accepted 2024-01-31
Published 2024-02-26