Effect of the addition of stabilizers on physicochemical, antioxidant and sensory properties of a beverage made with hydrolyzed sweet whey permeate enriched with agraz (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz) and cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L) pulp
Main Article Content
The global beverage industry continues to grow with the particularity that the current market shows a trend for healthy, functional products that incorporate sustainable processes and raw materials that reduce negative impacts on the environment. The objective of this study was to develop a fruit drink from an 80%, hydrolyzed whey permeates added with cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L) and agraz (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz) pulp. The results indicated that the addition of a mixture incorporating pectin at 0.1% and Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) at 0.1% with a participation of fruit pulp of 15% w/w achieves the best colloidal stability. Physicochemical analyzes showed the following values: pH (3.65±0.01), total soluble solids (11.9±0.05°Bx), titratable acidity (0.415±0.004%), viscosity (27.6±1.9 mPa.s), density (1.0387±0.0012 g/ml), humidity (87.34±0.124 % w/w), ashes (0.49 g/100g ), protein <2.5 g/100g , total phenols (38.14±1.52 mg, gallic acid/100g), total carotenoids (292.99±6.72 μg b-carotene/100 g), antioxidant capacity by ABTS 452.42±12 µg trolox/ml, and DPPH 219.4±13.34 µg trolox/ml. Most of these attributes remained stable for 32 days, however there were losses of 17% in total phenols and 4% in total carotenoids at the end of the storage period at 4 oC. Sensory tests indicated general acceptance of attributes above 80% by consumers, allowing to conclude that the developed beverage offers an important alternative to give a high added value to whey with commercial projection.
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Accepted 2023-01-26
Published 2023-01-15
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