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The sustainable growth of the beekeeping production chain has become very important in recent years, by the development of industrial processes and activities that promote the. Mead is the name given to a type of wine that is produced from the alcoholic fermentation from diluted honey. It is one of the oldest drinks on record and is highly desirable and sought after in Northern Europe. In Colombia, mead production is done at a small scale. In this work, the environmental impacts associated with an existing mead plant located in the Municipality of San Mateo, Boyacá, were evaluated. Additionally, the possible impacts generated of implementing a production plant in the Department of Bolívar were assessed. The analysis was carried out using the WARGUI diagnostic tool, an open-source software that allows evaluating both the impacts produced and those consumed by the process, in 8 different categories. This software allows to carry out a study and present alternatives related to the use of fuels and waste, information that contributes to improving the sustainability of the process. The results that stand out are that there was no considerable difference between the impacts caused to the environment of the pilot plant in Boyacá and the simulated one in the Department of Bolívar and, in general, both plants presented a sustainable behavior from the environmental point of view.

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