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With the growth in the number of applications deployed on the Internet and the number of users that can consume them, aspects such as usability have become fundamental to promote user-centered design. In this sense, one of the most widespread methods to evaluate the usability of a software application is heuristic evaluation, in which a group of experts identifies a set of problems according to usability principles and evaluates said problems using the criteria of: severity, frequency and criticality. In order to more clearly determine the level of criticality of the different problems identified within an inspection, this article proposes as a contribution the development of a tool based on fuzzy logic for determining the percentage of output criticality, based on the input values of severity and frequency of each problem. Both the inputs and outputs have membership functions and inference rules, which were described in the FCL (Fuzzy Control Language) language. Finally, the proposed tool was validated through the analysis of the results of a heuristic evaluation carried out to the Sevenet Database Management System of the Licorera del Cauca Industry, in such a way that it allowed to identify the criticality levels of output of each one of the problems of such inspection.

Chanchí-Golondrino GE, Ospina-Alarcón MA, Campo-Muñoz WY. Proposal of a Tool for the Analysis of Usability Heuristic Evaluations Using Fuzzy Logic. inycomp [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];24(1). Available from:

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Received 2021-03-23
Accepted 2021-07-13
Published 2022-01-15