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In this paper we review several works that compare blockchain platforms. For each one, we present the comparison criteria and its emphasis. Additionally, we compared two of the most popular blockchain platforms: Bitcoin and Hyperledger Fabric. With regard to the analyzed works, none of them emphasize on the similarities and differences regarding the flow of a transaction, a complex process in Hyperledger Fabric due to the number of concepts and components involved. To facilitate the comparison, we show the flow of a transaction in both platforms. The analyzed works also do not compare the functions of the components of each platform, for example, of the nodes and their different types, nor do they detail the structure of the blocks. Finally, an effort was made to establish a common vocabulary between the two platforms.

Moreno-Arboleda FJ, Rodríguez-Camacho JS, Giraldo-Muñoz D. A Comparison of Two Blockchain Platforms: Bitcoin and Hyperledger Fabric. inycomp [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];24(1). Available from:

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Received 2021-02-18
Accepted 2021-06-13
Published 2022-01-15