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The aim of this work is to establish a relation between the size, afterwards of process of fragmentation of the materials, by means of the determination of the D80 and the index of punctual load Is (50), for of this form characterize the rock in terms of resistance and avoid the sending of samples permanently to laboratories. It initiated the proposal with the taking of samples of rock of a specific sector designated Cojitambo, in the province of Cañar (Ecuador), in which it emerges an andesite of fine grain. These samples were taken preventing them from being weathered, so that they are the coolest possible. In a second stage, test tubes were made with the samples, 60 in total, 30 with approximate dimensions of 5 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm., which were to the process of split, that is to say for the determination of the Is (50), and 30 test tubes of roughly 5 cm x 5 cm x 10 cm., which subjected to the process of trituration and classification. In a final stage has determined an existent relation between the D80 and the Is (50), which allows to establish that, if the rocks or samples taken in the field are inside this relation, determine his resistance, or contrary case are sent the same to laboratory for his assessment. The proposal presents an equation for the determination of the resistance to the unconfined compressive strength of the rock of an approximate way and of easy interpretation, attaining that in a mining project exist a significant saving in economic terms and of time.

Feijoo Calle EP, Ureña CA. Characterization of the compressive strength in rocks by granulometric classification: a field test. inycomp [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];24(1). Available from:

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Received 2020-12-02
Accepted 2021-05-25
Published 2022-01-15