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The use of natural fibers as a reinforcement in Compound Materials (CM) has been grew up in recent years. In this case, it is a CM with matrix of recycled polypropylene (PP), coming from lids of different packaging using in products of daily consume, for the reinforcement, natural Guadua Angustifolia fibers and tenacious ceramic powder was chosen. The Guadua fiber was obtained under drying and immunized conditions, according to the process of "Guadua Factoria Company". The drying is made to reduce the moisture on the Guadua and for prevent formation of fungi and lichens, the process allows a correct adhesion with the matrix too. The powder of tenacious ceramic is also a recycled material; it was obtained from ceramic floors that were pulverized before insertion into the CM. The proportions used to manufacture the MC specimens were; a group of 100% PP and other groups with different proportions of materials, in that groups, PP matrix was remained in 60%, and the reinforcement materials were combined in the following proportions, one with 30% Guadua fiber and 10% ceramic powder, other with 33% Guadua fiber and 7% ceramic powder and the last one with 35% Guadua fiber and 5% ceramic powder. Once the CM specimens were obtained, mechanical tensile tests, according to the norm ASTM 638D for polymers, were performed, flexion tests, according to the norm ASTM 790D for reinforced plastics, were carried out too. Results obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Variance ANOVA, finding as more important result, that the PP tensile elastic modulus increased by 53.49% when 35% of Guadua and 5% of ceramic were added.

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Received 2020-09-17
Accepted 2021-03-01
Published 2022-01-15