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Agri-food industries entail a relevant economic activity, with major opportunities to improve food security, the economy, and the environmental performance of food systems. However, those opportunities can be challenged by Food Waste (FW), since estimates suggest that 55% of certain groups of food products, such as fruits and vegetables are lost or wasted along the food supply chain. The Latin American and Caribbean region is one of the most relevant in the world supply of fruits, based in a high number of small-scale farmers and agri-processors. Strategies that aid in better management of FW consider the recovery and recycling of still valuable materials from the waste. In consequence, this study focused on comparing technical parameters of four biowaste treatments, to valorize the FW that is originated by small fruit-processing agroindustry in the Latin American country of Costa Rica. The main results indicate that the Takakura-type composting method in tumblers presents appropriate technical conditions to valorize this type of FW, due to the obtention of compost for potential use in agricultural or gardening. The bio-drying alternative will aid in case the treated waste needs to be stored or transported for further uses or disposal since it is a stabilized material, hence less weight, and humidity content, and potentially fewer emissions are expected.

However, the observed conditions of this study, indicate it is not advisable to use this later directly as a soil amendment since the temperatures reached during the experiment might not assure the inactivation of possibly present pathogens.

Agri-food industries entail a relevant economic activity, with major opportunities to improve food security, the economy, and the environmental performance of food systems. However, those opportunities can be challenged by Food Waste (FW), since estimates suggest that 55% of certain groups of food products, such as fruits and vegetables are lost or wasted along the food supply chain. The Latin American and Caribbean region is one of the most relevant in the world supply of fruits, based in a high number of small-scale farmers and agri-processors. Strategies that aid in better management of FW consider the recovery and recycling of still valuable materials from the waste. In consequence, this study focused on comparing technical parameters of four biowaste treatments, to valorize the FW that is originated by small fruit-processing agroindustry in the Latin American country of Costa Rica. The main results indicate that the Takakura-type composting method in tumblers presents appropriate technical conditions to valorize this type of FW, due to the obtention of compost for potential use in agricultural or gardening. The bio-drying alternative will aid in case the treated waste needs to be stored or transported for further uses or disposal since it is a stabilized material, hence less weight, and humidity content, and potentially fewer emissions are expected. However, the observed conditions of this study, indicate it is not advisable to use this later directly as a soil amendment since the temperatures reached during the experiment might not assure the inactivation of possibly present pathogens.

Laura Patricia Brenes-Peralta, Tecnologico de Costa Rica, Agribusiness School/Escuela de Agronegocios & Agroforestry Academic Area/Área Académica Agroforestal, Cartago, Costa Rica

Agribusiness Engineer and Master in Environmental Management. She currently is a PhD Candidate in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Science and Technology at the University of Bologna. She is an Associate Professor and Researcher at the Agribusiness School at the Tecnológico de Costa Rica and contributes to the Agribusiness Engineering graduate program and the Natural Resources Management and Production Technologies Master program. Her research interests focus on sustainable food systems, food loss and waste reduction, waste valorization, and value adding. together with the link these have in public policy making processes. 

Brenes-Peralta LP, Jiménez-Morales MF, Campos-Rodríguez R. Food waste valorization through composting and bio-drying for small scale fruit processing agro-industries. inycomp [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];23(1):e9623. Available from:

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Received 2020-05-06
Accepted 2020-09-17
Published 2021-01-15