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In this study, the implementation of municipal wastewater reuse in agriculture was assessed as a strategy for the prevention and water pollution control. A methodological process was developed for water resources planning in the Bolo and Frayle river basins. These rivers are located in the Upper Cauca River basin in Colombia, and they are the main water resources of Candelaria, Florida and Pradera municipalities. Among the main results of the study, scenario-based planning for 20-year horizon was developed considering an active stakeholders’ participation. These scenarios were evaluated thorough the implementation of the water quality model QUAL2K. The results of the modelling showed improvement in the water quality of the Bolo and Frayle rivers by the implementation of municipal wastewater reuse strategy. The Dissolved Oxygen levels (DO) increased by 5 mg / L in Bolo River and 2.5 mg / L in Frayle River. In addition, with the implementation of the reuse in agriculture at the end of the planning horizon (year 2036), it is possible to obtain a reduction of the polluting load of 94% and 62% for the Bolo and Frayle rivers respectively.

Jaramillo MF, Cardona Zea DA, Galvis A. Municipal wastewater reuse as a strategy for the prevention and water pollution control: Bolo and Frayle river basins (Colombia). inycomp [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];22(2):1-21. Available from:

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