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The objective of the article is to implement the PDVS methodo logy to develop an application (apps ) for mobile devices related to seismic ri sk situations that allows citizens to ha ve timely information about seismic risks . The objectives of the research lead to choosing a methodology of applied research type , allowing to develop a technological tool called BOGSAT (Early Warning System). The results allow us to identify that this type of applications constitute dissemination mechanisms for the prevention of risks and disasters. Like wise, the study determined that in Bogotá it is necessary to consolida te databases to provide information to the inhabitant s of the city. In conclusion, this application favors the consolidation between technology and collaborative environments, in such a way tha t they are references for obtaining information in di saster prevention.
Buitrago R, Rodríguez JC, Obando C, Hernández HF. Development of an information APP for situations of seismological risks at Bogotá level. inycomp [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];21(2):1-13. Available from:

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