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In this investigation the kinetics and equilibrium was studied of the mango during the osmodehydration to atmospheric pressure, with and without pulse to vacuum, using solutions of 35, 45, 55 and 65ºBrix. The kinetics was determined in short times, while the equilibrium was carried out in long times. In the process it was analyzed the gain of sugar, loss of water, variations of mass and volume of the samples. To reach the candying, you continuous the process with having dried off by hot air, until reaching concentrations of 68 and 72ºBrix. The changes composicionales was evaluated, besides the textural and sensorial analysis in the final products. The samples 2565ºBrix and 4545ºBrix showed the smallest variations of mass and volume and better texture at the end of the drying.

Germán Antonio Giraldo G

Ph.D. - Profesor - Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad del
Quindío - Armenia, Colombia

Amparo Chiralt B

Ph.D. Profesores - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia,

Pedro Fito M

Ph.D. Profesores - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia,
Giraldo G GA, Chiralt B A, Fito M P. Deshidratación osmótica de mango (mangifera indica). Aplicación al escarchado. inycomp [Internet]. 2005 Jan. 7 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];7(1):44-55. Available from: