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The demand of surface water for productive uses is progressively increasing as the response to an economic oriented development and, at the same time, the community is claiming a true environmental river management. The Instream Flows Regime is an essential tool for watershed planning, facilitating a rational based water management that matches the different uses and preserves the functionality of the fluvial ecosystem. This paper presents the ecological effects of the flow modification and the main approaches for Instream Flows assessment. The Instream Flow Methodology (IFIM) is analyzed in depth because it is used worldwide and it is scientifically accepted. This revision analyzes the legal context in Colombia related to flow regulation, and it outlines basic guidelines for the Instream Flows setting, that are coherent with the local streams systems features.

Juan M. Díez Hernández

Unidad de Hidráulica e Hidrología, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Agrarias, Universidad de Valladolid, España
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