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With the incoming of the massive data generation technologies in bioinformatics, the need to automate the execution of routine processes to analyze and integrate great amount of data has recently emerged. In this field, one approach is based on workflows. In this paper, specific workflow characteristics, and the functions and interrelations with all the other components of a bioinformatics platform, are discussed. As an outcome, a proposal of software architecture for a Web tool is presented, which allows the execution and functional extension of several workflow systems. Finally, we show both the implementation results of a software prototype for the tool and the execution of a proof-of-concept in a real case.

Gustavo Salazar

laboratorio de bioinformatica,parquesoft,cali colombia, escuela de ingenieria de sistemas de computacion universidad del valle cali, colombia

Yesid Cuesta Astroz

laboratorio de bioinformatica,parquesoft,cali colombia, escuela de ingenieria de sistemas de computacion universidad del valle cali, colombia. laboratorio de biologia molecular y patogenesis, facultad de la salud universidad del valle cali colombia

Oscar E Restrepo

laboratorio de bioinformatica,parquesoft,cali colombia,

Salazar G, Astroz YC, Restrepo OE, Barraza F. Implementation of a Web architecture for the execution of workflows in bioinformatics. inycomp [Internet]. 2006 Jun. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(2):34-45. Available from: