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The processes to be used during a software development project highly depend on the characteristics of the project. Among the characteristics we have those of the team project and those of the context in which the project is going to be carried out (clients, technology, constraints, etc.) We named agile project a high risk project with characteristics like an elevated labor turnover, new technology, a team geographically disperse, changing requirements, etc. On these kind of project is very difficult to prescribe the software engineering practices to be followed. In this paper we present a proposal of software processes called QualDev Process. The suggested processes in the proposal are suitable to improve the product quality, team productivity and to facilitate the maintenance of the product. The main ideas of the QualDev Process is the adaptability of the process and the continual improvement. The final result is a mixed of the called lightweight [7] process and those more defined like TSP [5] or CMMI [1]. The proposal includes besides of the practices to take into account to follow, a methodological way to put them in practice. This process has been used during the last two years in some software developments in agile projects, it has allowed us to validate the proposed practices.

Rubby Casallas Gutiérrez

Doctora en Informática, Especialista en Sistemas de
Información en la Organización - Profesora - Universidad de
los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.

Hugo Fernando Arboleda Jiménez

Magíster Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación, Ingeniero
de Sistemas - Profesor, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad
de San Buenaventura, Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
Casallas Gutiérrez R, Arboleda Jiménez HF. QualDev Process: Procesos Adaptables de Desarrollo de Software para Proyectos Ágiles. inycomp [Internet]. 2004 Jun. 7 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(2):93-104. Available from: