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Introduction: this study examines the integration of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) approach and technological tools in teaching linear algebra, a fundamental subject in engineering education. Since a deep understanding of algebraic concepts is crucial for academic and professional success in engineering, the research explores how these innovative methodologies can enhance learning in this field.
Objetive: the aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of integrating the STEAM approach and technological tools in teaching linear algebra to engineering students, with the goal of improving their academic performance and satisfaction with the implemented teaching strategies.
Methodology: a sequential explanatory mixed-methods design was used, combining standardized summative assessments (α = 0.85) and open-ended evaluations, along with qualitative data from the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ, α = 0.92). The participants were 29 engineering students selected through purposive sampling.
Results: the results revealed a significant improvement in students’ academic performance, with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.01) and a large effect size (d = 0.78). Additionally, the participants expressed high satisfaction with the teaching strategies implemented, according to the course experience questionnaire results.
Conclusions: the integration of the STEAM approach and technological tools in teaching linear algebra shows promise in improving both conceptual understanding and practical application of the concepts in engineering contexts. The findings suggest that these methodologies can be an effective means of enhancing both academic performance and student satisfaction in technical disciplines.

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Received 2024-08-09
Accepted 2024-09-16
Published 2024-11-20