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Objective: the objective of this study is to conceptualize a network of heat exchangers designed to minimize energy waste and enhance the overall efficiency of the sugar production system.
Methods: a systematic approach was adopted to analyze energy flows within the plant, identifying key areas for improvement, particularly in heating and evaporation processes. Heat accumulations in cascades and graphical analyses of composite curves were developed using specialized software to optimize heat exchange.
Results: the results indicate a significant potential for energy savings, reducing the consumption of cooling and heating utilities in the plant by 7% and 30%, respectively. The developed computational tool allows for energy integration from simple processes to those with hundreds of streams. The pinch technology concept estimated an annual total savings of $464,850.08 in the selected process.
Conclusion: this study demonstrates that thermal integration through pinch analysis not only improves energy efficiency in the sugar industry but also contributes to a considerable reduction in operational costs and environmental impact, providing a valuable tool for the industry’s sustainability and competitiveness.

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Received 2024-07-03
Accepted 2024-09-16
Published 2024-10-09