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The purpose of this study is to present the application of energy management tools to carry out an energy characterization of a sugar mill. This research work was carried out within the framework of a national industrial project, which received funding from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The project was specifically aimed at small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in the industrial sector of Valle del Cauca, with the objective of establishing management tools to measure energy performance and achieve sustainable improvements over time. Within the scope of this study, we were able to identify significant energy uses, called significant variables. Furthermore, we define the energy baseline, goal line, and consumption rate. In addition, critical indicators of production value, savings potential and performance were determined. Recommendations were also provided to improve the company’s energy performance. Consequently, we calculated the savings potentials for the different levels of production at sugar mill, which translated into an energy saving of 1,105,537 kWh for the year 2021. This is equivalent to an economic cost of $ 397,993,454.

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Received 2023-12-07
Accepted 2024-01-11
Published 2024-02-26