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Introduction: in the context of technology design, the measurement and understanding of user experience (UX) have gained crucial relevance. This aspect addresses the pressing need to understand in detail how users interact with and experience technological artifacts. This review focuses on user experience in the design of gamified processes and products, considering that despite advances in inclusivity and accessibility, some individuals still cannot access the benefits of technological tools.
Objective: the objective of this documentary review is to identify and analyze the techniques and methods employed to evaluate user experience in the context of gamified processes and products.
Methods: a structured literature review was utilized to gather information on the techniques and metrics used in UX evaluation. A diversity of indicators was examined, ranging from usability to more subjective aspects such as aesthetics, as well as the evaluation approaches applied in previous studies.
Results: the findings revealed a wide variety of indicators and metrics used in the evaluation of UX in technological environments. Both the differences and similarities in evaluation practices were highlighted. The review underscored the complexity of user experience and the importance of considering not only usability but also broader aspects, especially in the realm of gamification.
Conclusions: is concluded that adopting multidisciplinary approaches and using validated tools is essential to achieve a more comprehensive and applicable understanding of gamified products or processes. This will enhance understanding at the intersection of technology and gamification.

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Received 2023-11-09
Accepted 2024-08-08
Published 2024-10-02