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This article deals with modeling sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentrations emitted by two industries in Santiago de Cali. These industries use different fuel types in their boilers: Boiler 1 uses Fuel Oil, and Boiler 2 uses Diesel. To evaluate and compare the behavior of SO2 concentrations, the substitution of these fuels by natural gas is proposed. Using Aermod View, this pollutant’s dispersion was modeled and obtained that the maximum SO2 concentration from the boilers with Fuel Oil and Diesel was 1440.32 µg/m3 for an exposure time of one hour. For a 24-hour exposure time, the SO2 concentration reached 178.56 µg/m3. These levels exceed the limits established in resolution 2254 of 2017, where the maximum permissible value for one hour is 100 µg/m3, and for 24 hours is 50 µg/m3. In contrast, when using Natural Gas as fuel, it is observed that the concentrations are considerably lower. The maximum concentration is 0.74 µg/m3 for a one-hour exposure time, and for a 24-hour exposure time, 0.04 µg/m3. These results comply with current regulations. It can be concluded that natural gas is a more favorable alternative, generating significantly lower SO2 concentrations. This change in the fuel type will favor compliance with environmental regulations and effectively contribute to reducing SO2 concentration in the air.

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Received 2023-11-09
Accepted 2024-02-14
Published 2024-02-26