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Achieving competitive supply chains currently represents a requirement to ensure the sustainability of
companies, even more so in those that are considered emerging, either due to having little experience
in their economic activities or due to their limited ability to cover the market due to their size. These
characteristics are regularly met by startups and small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). The objective of this research is to obtain a status of the supply chains of emerging companies in the city of
Bogotá as a basis for identifying opportunities for improvement that aim to strengthen their competitiveness. Two well-known reference models developed by logistics experts were used as measurement
components. Some statistical calculations and the formulation of surveys were the methods used to
collect, analyze and evaluate the information. Among the main results, it is evident that the processes
that make up the emerging supply chains in the city have a result that varies between regular and
good, and present multiple opportunities for improvement, such as agility and compliance in the supply phase, internal transportation technologies at the time of manufacturing or production, and poor risk management in the distribution and sales process.

Rosa N. Lay-de-León, Industrial Engineering Program, San Mateo University Foundation, Bogotá, Colombia.

Ana J. Acevedo-Urquiaga, Industrial Engineering Program, San Mateo University Foundation, Bogotá, Colombia.

José A. Acevedo-Su´árez, Logistics and Production Management Laboratory, Technological University of Havana “José Antonio Echevarría” (Cujae), Havana, Cuba.

Neyfe Sablón-Cossío, Postgraduate Institute, Technical University of Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador

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