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Computer vision (CV) can be a process that facilitates some tasks in inventory management, through this process a permanent analysis of an inventory can be performed and thus keep record of all movements made, delivering an instant report when required. This means an improvement in security, since by keeping a strict control of the existing elements in the inventory it is possible to know if an element belongs or not to an inventory or when an element is removed or added, after this need for inventory control, the need arises to design an intelligent system that can facilitate inventory control. Through the combination of 2 frameworks, the creation of an algorithm capable of performing the identification and counting of objects, as well as the identification of the hand to determine when a human manipulation is performed to the inventory. To achieve this objective, two algorithms were used: MediaPipe and YOLOv5 combined with the COCO dataset, the first one was used for hand detection and the second one identifies and counts the objects. After testing the algorithm, it was determined that the hand recognition of MediaPipe had an accuracy of 96% and the detection and classification of objects using YOLO was 43.7%. Challenges for the algorithm were overlapping, occlusion/self-occlusion of objects, or loss of focus of items due to the sensor.

Francisco Bernal Baquero, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Colombia

Darwin E. Martínez, Universidad Sergio Arboleda. Bogotá, Colombia

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Received 2023-09-14
Accepted 2024-02-26
Published 2024-02-26