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The rational use of water resources has been established as a global goal within the sustainable development goals (SDGs), offering numerous advantages to different stakeholders engaged in the comprehensive management of water resources. Water-use efficiency and conservation programs (PUEAAs, for their Spanish acronym) encompass a range of activities and objectives aimed at fostering the sustainability of water resources. Consequently, monitoring these programs through compliance indicators is of paramount importance, allowing data collection from companies and environmental authorities concerning their administration. This paper examines the implementation of the Law 373 of 1997, specifically focusing on the oversight of the PUEAA at the Department of Nariño from 2015 to 2018. For this purpose, an inventory of municipal terms of reference was compiled for projects developed and executed by water utility companies (ESPs, for their Spanish acronym). In addition, efficiency and effectiveness indicators were employed, and the indicators outcomes were assessed using a compliance matrix. The results indicated that the strategic initiative to reduce losses exhibited the most notable shortcomings in terms of the formulation and oversight of PUEAA within the department (0% compliance). Conversely, another strategic approach to educate and develop environmental awareness regarding the efficient use of water showcased more favorable outcomes in terms of its indicators (compliance exceeding 50%). In conclusion, it is evident that the deficient levels in the indicators stem from the mismanagement and disorganization of PUEAA records, on the part of the environmental authority and users (ESP). This deficiency is attributed to a lack of familiarity with the terms and stipulations outlined in the Law 373 of 1997.

Lizeth S. Chicaiza-Maya, Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Colombia

Paola A. Ortega-Guerrero, Universidad Mariana, San Juan de Pasto, Colombia

Sergio Andrés Blanco Londoño , Escuela Militar de Cadetes “General José María Córdova”, Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering. Bogotá Colombia.

Tatiana Mañunga, Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

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Received 2023-08-15
Accepted 2023-11-01
Published 2024-02-26