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This paper presents the implementation of technical tests to assess the behavior of M1 category passenger vehicles, specifically focusing on the measurement of the center of gravity, global stiffness, and comfort. The experimental procedures conducted adhere to the ISO 10392 and ISO 2631 standards, as well as the methodology established by SAE for flexural and torsional stiffness measurements. The JAC E10X car, a commercial electric hatchback that ranks among the top sellers in Colombia in 2023, was used as the test vehicle. It was found that the center of gravity of this car is displaced towards the passenger side and closer to the front axis. Nevertheless, its height falls within the measured range for other vehicles in its category. The obtained stiffness falls within the commonly accepted ranges in the industry. However, we observed that the presence of the battery package on the vehicle’s floor plays an important role in measuring this parameter. The comfort analysis was carried out in two scenarios: on roads with and without pavement. In both cases, the vehicle was categorized as “somewhat uncomfortable” according to the ISO 2631 standard. This finding holds significance considering the road conditions in developing countries like Colombia and the fact that the vehicle under study is brand new.  In addition to providing infrastructure that bolsters the automotive industry in Valle del Cauca, this work aims to contribute to technical, objective, and time analysis that leads to improving passenger safety, reducing maintenance costs, and establishing public policies related to the psychosocial risk of occupants and the quality of life of citizens. Likewise, the presented results highlight the need to establish more comprehensive mechanisms for inspecting vehicles marketed in the country. Finally, this study includes a description of the implemented tests, contributing to a better understanding vehicular behavior, as well as promoting vehicular road safety and providing technical support for decision-making in both the industry and government. All of this within the framework of the initiative to create an independent vehicle testing laboratory to strengthen the automotive sector in Colombia.

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Received 2023-08-15
Accepted 2023-08-24
Published 2023-09-08