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In the upper basin of the Medellín River (Colombia) a hydrologic study was carried out to analyze the rainfall-runoff relationships in an event-scale, for the estimation of the maximum streamflow regime associated with different return periods in the basin and its tributary sub-basins, through hydrological modeling that considers the existence of climate change. This study is composed of the characterization of the basin of the study area, as well as the hydrological characterization, which includes the analysis of measured data with high temporal resolution of precipitation and the river levels. Different methods were considered to obtain the necessary information for the execution of a semi-distributed hydrological modeling activities, using the HEC-HMS. The model was calibrated by the simulation of 5 maximum streamflow events of the year 2021 and then it was run with different configurations of the antecedent moisture condition, rainfall-runoff models and stationary and non-stationary conditions (in rainfall), the latter to assess potential effects of the climate change. According to the results, the relative differences between the modeling cases with stationary and non-stationary conditions are, on average, negligible, with values between 3 and 5% in the considered cases, with the non-stationary cases having higher magnitudes of streamflow.

Juan José Guerrero Gallego, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín

Ingeniero Civil y Magister en Ingeniería de los Recursos Hidráulicos de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Minas. Ingniero consultor en análisis de series de tiempo, bases de dartos, reanálisi de datos de GCMs y modelación hidrológica. 

Gabriel Rosado Cantillo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín

Ingniero Civil y Magister en Ingeniería de los Recursos Hidráulicos de la Univerasidad Naiconal de Colombia. Consultor independientes, Profesor de cátedra de Hidráulica y Acueductos y Alcantarillados, actualmente funcionario de Emporesas Públicas de Medellín. Área de trabajo: Diseño y modelaci´ón hidráulica, Modelación física. 

Luis Fernando Carvajal Serna, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín

Lilian Posada García, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín.

Ingeniera civil de la Facultad de MInas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. MSc y PhD en Hidráulica y sedimentos de Colorado State University. Profesora asociadas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Áreas de interés: Hidráulica Fluvial, Geomorfología fluvial, Modelación de estructuras hidráulicas,Trasnporte de sedimentos, Obras hidráulicas, Ingeniería de costas. Ha sido directora de innumerables estudios en el campo de la Hidráulica y sedimentos para diferentes entes privados y oficiales en Colombia, como: AMVA, Cornare, Corantioquia, Ministerio de Defensa, Empresas Públicas dee Medellín, entre otros.  

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Received 2023-04-26
Accepted 2024-03-22
Published 2024-05-14