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The objective of this paper is to develop a technological solution supported by artificial intelligence (AI), for the company Servicios Amma S.A.S. This technological solution has the function to allow the correlation of the socio-behavioral characteristics of the customer, with the profile of the operational staff. This will provide the detection of patterns and prediction of consumption behaviors for the service that leads to the identification of opportunities, reduction of dissatisfaction risks, and improvement of the user's service experience. The methodology used in this study is quantitative, therefore, the demographic, social, psychographic, behavioral and lifestyle characteristics of customers and operating personnel of the company, as well as the beneficiary companies, are the variables defined for the development of this research. Additionally, the development of mathematical algorithms will be used to gather information for data correlation and prediction. The results obtained from this research allowed us to develop and program a mobile application and Land Page that allows data entry for the creation of user profiles for customers, employees, and platform administrators. In this way, Servicios Amma S.A.S. will be able to enhance the services it offers with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

Lady Caicedo Consuegra, Corporación Universitaria de Ciencias Empresariales, Educación y Salud-UNICORSALUD, Barranquilla, Colombia

Paula Andrea Marquez Vasquez, Corporación Universitaria de Ciencias Empresariales, Educación y Salud-UNICORSALUD, Barranquilla, Colombia

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