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Simulation results on the employment resilience under a health emergency environment in Colombia South America are presented. The system is characterized by identifying the different relevant variables which are reflected in the causal and Forrester diagrams simulated through the VENSIM PLE x64 program.  Results show a resilient in the employment variable behaviour in terms of entrepreneurship and new companies generation, which reflects a potential economic development in the country under an uncertainty scenario. On the other hand, model accuracy is influenced by indicators changes along simulation time included in the analysis. Finally, it is concluded that the employment behaviour under the health emergency panorama is fluctuating but tends to increase in the last months in the time horizon simulation. However, it is highlighted that this situation can take another path if decision making is not adequate.

Reynel Andrés Murillo Agudelo, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Cali, Colombia.

Diego León Peña-Orozco, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Cali, Colombia.

Jesús González Feliú, Supply Chain Management at Excelia Business School, La Rochelle, Francia

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Received 2022-11-02
Accepted 2023-08-11
Published 2023-06-26