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The problems of artisanal brick production in Colombia are diverse and environmental, technical, economic and social criteria that influence the development of this economic activity can be appreciated. For this purpose, an exploration of the existing brick kiln technologies was carried out through a hierarchical analysis of processes, a study of physical ergonomics, a facility layout study and a simulation of the production process to generate the design of a new production facility that contribute the productive organization of the sector by reducing of polluting emissions and improving the working conditions of the workers. The simulation has showed that the new plant would able to manufacture 55 batches of 12,000 bricks per year with an annual income of more than COP$264,000,000. which represents an in ternal rate of return- on-investment IRR of 16.71%.

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Received 2022-06-29
Accepted 2023-01-25
Published 2023-01-15