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The implementation of a deductive model aimed at vocabulary recognition based on Colombian Sign Language (CL) gestures is presented, which focuses on a solution to the lack of knowledge and accompaniment in its learning in people who are continuously related to this population with a speech and hearing disability. These hand gestures are used due to their high level of expressiveness and are the main source of communication for people with this type of disability. 
Within the recognition of movement patterns and gestures in LSC, it is necessary to perceive and recognize the location, orientation, point of articulation and contact of the hands. Knowing about the technologies and research on gesture recognition algorithms, pattern analysis and neural networks that helped the correct selection of the implemented deductive model.
In such a way that the implementation of the image recognition model allowed to analyze frames and/or real images, analyzing important information and solving specific problems. These characteristics are focused within this research, managing to accompany the population in educational environments, by detecting objects in an image in real time using part of the artificial intelligence exposed in the deductive model.

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Received 2022-04-01
Accepted 2022-10-31
Published 2023-01-15