Contenido principal del artículo


El concreto en la industria de la construcción es un material muy usado, por lo que se ha venido investigando la manera de innovar los materiales que usualmente se usan para la elaboración del concreto, pero sin alterar las propiedades mecánicas, es decir que sean igual o mejores de lo que usualmente son; por lo que usar material reciclado es una buena opción ya que sería de ayuda en la disminución de la contaminación, disminuiría el uso de materia prima y mejoraría la situación del medio ambiente. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo revisar diferentes investigaciones sobre un material denominado fibras de acero de neumáticos incorporado en el concreto, que permita mejorar las propiedades de trabajabilidad, resistencia a la compresión, flexión y densidad del concreto. Se realizo una búsqueda de 80 artículos de revisión indexados en diferentes bases de datos, además de ser investigaciones publicadas de los últimos 7 años entre el 2015 y 2021, los cuales se dividen de la siguiente manera: 14 de ScienceDirect, 21 de EBSCO, 20 de Sopas y 24 de Web Of Scince, documentos que señalan la importancia de la construcción sostenible y la descripción de las fibras de acero de neumático reciclado. Se reviso los pasos, métodos y técnicas de selección, características y volumen adecuado que debe tener la fibra, después de discutir y analizar los resultados, se llega a la conclusión de que las fibras de acero de neumáticos recalados causan efectos positivos en las características mecánicas del concreto

Nunton JA, Portocarrero JP, Muñoz Perez SP. Una revisión del comportamiento mecánico del concreto con adición de fibras de acero de neumáticos reciclados. inycomp [Internet]. 26 de mayo de 2022 [citado 12 de marzo de 2025];24(02):18. Disponible en:

J. Wang, Q. Dai, R. Si, Y. Ma y S. Guo, «Fresh and mechanical performance and freeze-thaw durability of steel fiber-reinforced rubber self-compacting concrete (SRSCC),» Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 277, pp. 1-10, 2020.

M. Shahjalal, K. Islam, J. Rahman, K. Sakil, M. Rezaul y A. Muntasir, «Flexural response of fiber reinforced concrete beams with waste tires rubber and recycled aggregate,» Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 278, 2021.

O. Sengul, «Mechanical behavior of concretes containing waste steel fibers recovered from scrap tires,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 122, pp. 649-658, 2016.

M. KÖROĞLU, «MECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF RECYCLED TIRES IN CONCRETE,» Engineering Science and Technology, vol. 4, nº 4, pp. 330-336, 2016.

I. Shaaban, J. Rizzuto, A. El-Nemr, L. Bohan, H. Ahmed y H. Tindyebwa, «Mechanical Properties and Air Permeability of Concrete Containing Waste Tires Extracts,» Revista de materiales en ingeniería civil, vol. 33, nº 2, 2021.

K. Rashid y N. Balouch, «Influence of steel fibers extracted from waste tires on shear behavior of reinforced concrete beams,» Journal of the fib, vol. 18, nº 74, pp. 589-596, 2017.

A. Reza, A. Esrafili, M. Kalani y M. Hosein, «Use of polymer fibres recovered from waste car timing belts in high performance concrete,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 80, pp. 31-37, 2015.

A. Nacer, A. Honores, P. Chulak y O. Pavez, «HORMIGÓN SUSTENTABLE BASADO EN FIBRAS DE NEUMÁTICOS FUERA DE USO,» Revista internacional de contaminación ambiental, vol. 35, nº 3, pp. 723-729, 2019.

M. Alpaslan, «Behavior of composite self-compacting concrete (SCC) reinforced with steel wires from waste tires,» Revista de la Construcción, vol. 17, nº 3, pp. 484-498, 2018.

T. Awolusi, O. Oke, O. Akinkurolere y O. Atoyebi, «Comparison of response surface methodology and hybrid-training approach of artificial neural network in modelling the properties of concrete containing steel fibre extracted from waste tyres,» Cogent Engineering, vol. 6, nº 1, 2019.

Fauzan, R. Kurniawan, O. Fitrah, C. Lovina y Z. Al Jauhari, «EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF STEEL FIBER WASTE TYRE ON HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE,» International Journal of GEOMATE, vol. 16, nº 58, pp. 14-19, 2019.

S. Samarakoon, P. Ruben y J. Wie, «Mechanical performance of concrete made of steel fibers from tire waste,» Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 11, nº 259, 2019.

x. Shi, L. Brescia-Norambuena, Z. Grasley y J. Hogancamp, «Fracture Properties and Restrained Shrinkage Cracking Resistance of Cement Mortar Reinforced by Recycled Steel Fiber from Scrap Tires,» Transportation Research Record, vol. 2674, nº 8, pp. 581-590, 2020.

Y. Zhang y L. Gao, «Influence of Tire-Recycled Steel Fibers on Strength and Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete,» Hindawi Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2020, pp. 1-7, 2020.

A. Simalti, A. Singh y P. Professor, «Comparative study on direct shear behavior of manufactured and recycled shredded tyre steel fiber reinforced self-consolidating concrete,» Journal of Building Engineering , vol. 29, pp. 1-9, 2020.

X. Shi, L. Brescia-Norambuena, C. Tavares y Z. Grasley, «Semicircular bending fracture test to evaluate fracture properties and ductility of cement mortar reinforced by scrap tire recycled steel fiber,» Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 236, 2020.

J. Carrillo, J. Lizarazo-Marriaga y F. Lamus, «Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Either Industrial or,» Recycled Fibers from Waste Tires, vol. 21, nº 9, pp. 2055-2067, 2020.

G. Martínez, J. del Cos, M. Elisa, M. Martínez, M. Ribeiro, C. Velasco, H. Hagg y W. Brostow, «Modified recycled tire fibers by gamma radiation and their use on the improvement of polymer concrete,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 204, pp. 327-334, 2019.

M. Pawelska y M. Kaszynska, «Mechanical Performance and Environmental Assessment of Sustainable Concrete Reinforced with Recycled End-of-Life Tyre Fibres,» Materials, vol. 14, nº 2, 2021.

E. Bocci y E. Prosperi, «Recycling of reclaimed fibers from end-of-life tires in hot mix asphalt,» journal of traffic and transportation engineering, vol. 7, nº 5, pp. 678-687, 2020.

M. Ansari y A. Safiey, «Corrosion effects on mechanical behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete, including fibers from recycled tires,» Computers and Concrete, vol. 26, nº 4, pp. 367-375, 2020.

M. Isa, K. Pilakoutas, M. Guadagnini y H. Angelakopoulos, «Mechanical performance of affordable and eco-efficient ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) containing recycled tyre steel fibres,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 255, 2020 .

M. Jelcic, A. Baricevic, M. Serdar y M. Grubor, «Study on the post-fire properties of concrete with recycled tyre polymer fibres,» Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 123, 2021.

M. Fakhri, B. Baveli, S. Javadi y M. Sharaf, «An evaluation of the mechanical and self-healing properties of warm mix asphalt containing scrap metal additives,» Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 253, p. 119963, 2020.

S. Mohamad, A. Rahman, A. Jumaah, N. Mohammad y A. Faheiman, «Incorporation of Recycled Tire Products in Pavement-Grade Concrete: An Experimental Study,» Crystals, vol. 11, nº 2, 2021.

A. Tareq, A. Bakar, H. Akil y A. Alani, «Fracture characteristics of plain and steel fibre reinforced rubberized concrete,» Construction and Building Materials, Vols. %1 de %2414-423, p. 152, 2017.

W. Weber y V. Mechtcherine, «Modeling the dynamic properties of fibre-reinforced concrete with different coating technologies of multifilament yarns,» Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 73, pp. 257-266, 2016.

J. Hegger, M. Curbach, A. Stark, S. Wilhelm y K. Farwig, «Innovative design concepts: Application of textile reinforced concrete to shell structures,» fib. International Federation for Structural Concrete, vol. 19, nº 3, pp. 637-464, 2017.

H. Al-musawi, H. Huang, M. Guadagnini y K. Pilakoutas, «A numerical study on the effect of restrained shrinkage on rapid hardening plain and recycled clean steel fibre concrete overlays,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 244, nº 3, 2020.

W. Zhang, S. Gong y J. Zhang, «Effect of rubber particles and steel fibers on frost resistance of roller compacted concrete in potassium acetate solution,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 187, pp. 752-759, 2018.

A. Baricevic, M. Pezer, M. Jelcic, M. Serdar y N. Stirmer, «Effect of polymer fibers recycled from waste tires on properties of wet-sprayed concrete,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 176, pp. 135-144, 2018.

A. Alsaif, S. Bernal, M. Guadagnini y K. Pilakoutas, «Freeze-thaw resistance of steel fibre reinforced rubberised concrete,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 195, pp. 450-458, 2019.

J. Norambuena, V. Gutierrez y G. I., «Physical and mechanical behaviour of a fibre-reinforced rubber membrane with self-healing purposes via microwave heating,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 94, pp. 45-56, 2015.

F. Figueiredo, S. Huang, K. Pilakoutas y I. Burgess, «Effects of Recycled Steel and Polymer Fibres on Explosive Fire Spalling of Concrete,» Fire Technology, vol. 55, pp. 1495-1516, 2019.

M. Leone, G. Centonze, D. Colonna, F. Micelli y M. Aiello, «Experimental Study on Bond Behavior in Fiber-Reinforced Concrete with Low Content of Recycled Steel Fiber,» Revista de materiales en ingeniería civil, vol. 28, nº 9, 2016.

A. Alsaif, L. Koutas, S. Bernal, M. Guadagnini y K. Pilakoutas, «Mechanical performance of steel fibre reinforced rubberised concrete for flexible concrete pavements,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 172, pp. 533-543, 2018.

H. Zhong y M. Zhang, «Experimental study on engineering properties of concrete reinforced with hybrid recycled tyre steel and polypropylene fibres,» Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 259, p. 120914, 2020.

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D. Flores, N. Flores y F. Hernández, «Influence of fibers partially coated with rubber from tire recycling as aggregate on the acoustical properties of rubberized concrete,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 129, pp. 25-36, 2016.

A. Sahraei, F. Omidinasab y M. Abdalikia, «The effect of initial strength of concrete wastes on the fresh and hardened properties of recycled concrete reinforced with recycled steel fibers,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 300, 2021.

J. Carrillo y C. Diaz, «Mechanical Properties of Concrete Slabs Reinforced with Recycled Steel Fibers from Post-Consumer Tires in Bogotá, Colombia,» Revista Ciencia e Ingenieria Neogranadina, vol. 30, nº 2, pp. 67-79, 2020.

A. Caggiano, H. Xarga, P. Folino y E. Martinelli, «Experimental and numerical characterization of the bond behavior of steel fibers recovered from waste tires embedded in cementitious matrices,» Cement & Concrete Composites, vol. 62, pp. 146-155, 2015.

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A. Eisa, M. Elshazli y M. Nawar, «Experimental investigation on the effect of using crumb rubber and steel fibers on the structural behavior of reinforced concrete beams,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 252, 2020.

P. Papastergiou, H. Hu, H. Angelakopoulos, M. Guadagnini y K. Pilakoutas, «Mechanical properties of SFRC using blended Recycled Tyre Steel Cords (RTSC) and Recycled Tyre Steel Fibres (RTSF),» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 187, pp. 553-564, 2018.

A. Singh y A. Simalti, «Comparative study on performance of manufactured steel fiber and shredded tire recycled steel fiber reinforced self-consolidating concrete,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 266, 2021.

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S. Charkhtab, R. Madandoust, M. Jamshidi y I. Nikbin, «Mechanical properties of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete with crumb rubber and steel fiber under ambient and sulfuric acid conditions,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 281, p. 122571, 2021.

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A. Altay, R. Alzeebaree, A. Çevik, A. Niş, A. Mohammedameen y M. Eren, «The Effects of Recycled Tire Rubbers and Steel Fibers on the Performance of Self-compacting Alkali Activated Concrete,» Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, vol. 65, nº 3, pp. 8900-900, 2021.

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H. Hu, P. Papastergiou, H. Angelakopoulos, M. Guadagnini y K. Pilakoutas, «Mechanical properties of SFRC using blended manufactured and recycled tyre steel fibres,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 163, pp. 376-389, 2018.

A. Caggiano, P. Folino, C. Lima, E. Martinelli y M. Pepe, «On the mechanical response of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Recycled and Industrial Steel Fibers,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 147, pp. 286-295, 2017.

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Z. Al-Kamyani, F. Figueiredo, H. Hu, M. Guadagnini y K. Pilakoutas, «Shrinkage and flexural behaviour of free and restrained hybrid steel fibre reinforced concrete,» reinforced concrete, vol. 189, pp. 1007-1018, 2018.

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H. Hu, Z. Wang, F. Figueiredo, P. Papastergiou, M. Guadagnini y K. Pilakoutas, «Postcracking tensile behavior of blended steel fiber-reinforced concrete,» fib. International Federation for Structural Concrete, vol. 20, nº 2, pp. 707-719, 2018.

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J. Rueda, J. Carrillo y J. Ortiz, «Indirect Tensile Behavior of Hooked-End Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete under Double-Punch Tests,» ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL, vol. 118, nº 5, pp. 93-105, 2021.

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S. Alfayez, T. Omar y M. Nehdi, «Eco-efficient Preplaced Recycled Aggregate Concrete Incorporating Recycled Tire Rubber Granules and Steel Wire Fibre,» Engineering Sustainability, vol. 173, nº 2, pp. 84-96, 2018.

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S. Bernal, M. Guadagnini, K. Pilakoutas y A. Alsaif, «Durability of steel fibre reinforced rubberised concrete exposed to chlorides,» Construction and Building Materials, vol. 188, pp. 130-142, 2018.

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