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This paper presents a comparison of some simulation tools for photovoltaic systems. The analysis was made considering four criteria: historical citations, accessibility, user friendliness and simulation. Each criterion includes aspects which have a score assignation. Finally, a weighing was made to define the computational tool with more advantages and potential to be used in the Colombian context. The simulation software with more advantages for photovoltaic system simulation are PVSyst and PV*SOL. Both its interface and the information given in the simulation, made them very complete tools for the analysis of the energy production in this kind of systems. Simulation software are needed for the analysis of the operation of photovoltaic systems. Among the most used are: PVSyst, PV*SOL, SAM and RETScreen. The evaluation of these tools allowed to identify that PV*SOL is the software with more advantages and strengths.

Luis A. Foronda-Gutiérrez, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Facultad de Ingenierías, Medellín, Colombia

Luz Adriana Trejos Grisales, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Facultad de Ingenierías, Medellín, Colombia

Daniel Gonzalez-Montoya, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Facultad de Ingenierías, Medellín, Colombia

Foronda-Gutiérrez LA, Trejos Grisales LA, Gonzalez-Montoya D. Assessment of computing tools for photovoltaic system analysis. inycomp [Internet]. 2022 May 26 [cited 2024 Dec. 30];24(02). Available from:

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Received 2021-08-08
Accepted 2021-11-09
Published 2022-05-26