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The coastal zone is a strategic area that supports a great diversity of ecosystems in these, one of the most important and used are the beaches, however, the use and exploitation of these resources in various ways (tourism, fishing , agriculture, human settlements), have generated as a consequence environmental impacts such as contamination by Solid Waste (WS), the modification of landscapes, the deterioration in the quality of rivers and seas, the overexploitation of coastal resources, in addition to the traffic of that of the fauna and flora of these ecosystems, this situation has not only become an environmental problem, but also affects the aesthetics and economic development of the communities settled in these areas. This review aims to evaluate the current state of the art in this area for the Colombian Caribbean, identifying the main problems that afflict the beaches in this region of the country in order to publicize and promote the development of tools that allow efficient planning of coastal areas and a sustainable development of socio-economic activities along our beaches.

Estefany Pimienta Serrano, Universidad de La Guajira, Grupo de investigación en sistemas ambientales (GISA), RiohachaColombia

Carlos Pacheco-Bustos, Universidad del Norte, Facultad de Ingeniería, Barranquilla, Colombia

Pimienta Serrano E, Pacheco-Bustos C. Perspectives on the environmental impact of anthropogenic activities and the generation of solid waste in beaches of the colombian caribbean. inycomp [Internet]. 2022 May 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 20];24(02):12. Available from:

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