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The following research work is part of the comparative evaluation of roofing materials marketed in the city of Cali and the area of influence and the elements that complement it, such as: Roof base and / or ceiling, establishing their thermal insulation capacity in the face of solar radiation, conduction and absorption phenomena occurring on the roof surface and at the level of the interior space. 

The research is structured based on the bimodal climatology (two dry periods and two rain periods interspersed) of the
place. The test tubes (modules of 1 x 1 m) are located in the vicinity between Cali and Santander de Quilichao under
real atmospheric conditions, taking into account the data issued by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and
Environmental Studies "IDEAM" and those thrown by the thermal measurement equipment located inside and outside
the modules.
Under this approach, different techno-constructive roof solutions are assembled in complete specimens whose walls do not include architectural management variables such as door and window openings. These envelopes, together with the floor envelope, are made in a sandwich panel system with a 10 cm polyurethane foam insulation that allows the variable walls to be isolated from the roof envelope given the phenomenon of thermal inertia.
Next step, the temperature measurements are made inside and outside the test pieces since September 2017 and on the roof surface (Interior, exterior), determining the factors that trigger the increase in temperature within the space at a rate of the physical properties of the materials and of the heat transfer phenomena, the data is subsequently processed through a statistical analysis where maximum, minimum and average temperatures related to the hours are estimated for each module.

Vidal S, Barona J. Analysis and evaluation of the thermal performance of roofing systems used in dry construction for residential buildings located in the city of Santiago de Cali and its area of influence. inycomp [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];25(1):e-20211363. Available from:

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