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Landfill leachate is an effluent generated by the degradation of solid waste and the percolation of rainwater, which carries organic and inorganic substances, and it is characterized as a dark-colored liquid with toxic, dangerous, pathogenic, and other compounds. It is important to express that if leachate can not receive adequate treatment, it can negatively affect the environment. However, it has been shown that the use of advanced oxidation processes coupled with biological treatments achieves the reduction of the pollutant load of this wastewater. In the order to determine the impacts on the biotic, abiotic, and socioeconomic components, a “Scoping” was carried out in the current research, which worked as input for the quantification of the environmental impact made through Conesa´s methodology. The main result was that leachate leaks during the treatment process significantly affect water quality and in turn, alter the balance of the ecosystem with which they come into contact. As a corrective measure, it was proposed to exercise control measures on the pipes and the flow of the system to avoid this contingency. Positively, compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals and the increase in the availability of water resources is highlighted thanks to the effectiveness of the treatment carried out and compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals is highlighted.

Salvador Villamizar, Universidad del Norte, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental, Instituto de Estudio Hidráulicos y Ambientales, Barranquilla, Colombia

Aymer Maturana Cordoba, Universidad del Norte, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental, Instituto de Estudio Hidráulicos y Ambientales, Barranquilla, Colombia

Carlos A. Pacheco Bustos, Universidad del Norte, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental, Instituto de Estudio Hidráulicos y Ambientales, Barranquilla, Colombia

Joseph Soto-Verjel, Universidad del Norte, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental, Instituto de Estudio Hidráulicos y Ambientales, Barranquilla, Colombia

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Received 2021-06-08
Accepted 2021-10-28
Published 2022-05-26