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The data collected in vulnerability and risk scenarios, in the context of prevention of natural disasters, are the basis for consolidating information that allows having the elements to mitigate the impact of the natural aspects that generate the risk; In this sense, when a system is structured where the data associated with variables that measure or monitor particular natural aspects are captured, stored and transformed, there is a need to secure these data to optimize the fidelity of the information and the ownership of the same. The research presented focuses on the development of a platform with services on a web interface oriented to the internet of things, based on the guarantee of ownership of the data captured through remotely connected sensors and whose data is They process for the generation of descriptive statistical reports that facilitate the understanding of the monitored variables.

Erika P. Holguín, Colsubsidio Educación Tecnológica -CET, Bogotá, Colombia

Roberto Ferro, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Facultad de ingeniería, Bogotá, Colombia

Edgar Alirio Aguirre, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Facultad de ingeniería, Bogotá, Colombia. Colsubsidio Educación Tecnológica -CET, Bogotá, Colombia

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Received 2021-06-08
Accepted 2021-12-01
Published 2022-05-26